Lifestyle/Service Application
This application is for local Las Vegas subs who are serious about serving me and bringing value to my life. I will review it and decide if, and how, you could be of use to me. Ideally, you will - have experience serving (with references) - have a high pain tolerance - have a flexible schedule - have a reliable mode of transportation - have decent and stable employment - get along well with dogs đ Tasks (including but not limited to): - assisting with admin/content - maid/household chores - running errands - personal chauffeur and more! A valid government ID will be required for screening purposes. Any information provided will be safeguarded with the utmost care and confidentiality. Note: This is not how much it costs to serve me. This is how much it costs to discuss the OPPORTUNITY to serve me. Regular tributes will be required.
Non-Refundable Application Fee Disclaimer
While all applications are considered, acceptance is not guaranteed. All application fees are non-refundable and will be used to compensate for the time and energy expended during the screening process.